The Bias

Giving up Captialism for Lent Series - The Bias

This Lent I helped edit and curate a series for The Bias on Giving up Capitalism for Lent (while it was disrupted by the COVID pandemic I am hoping to expand and deepen it in future years).

Here is my first Introduction to the series, “Following Christ into the Wilderness

For the second installment, David Dault’s “Devliver Us from Our Comforts: Lent Beyond Bourgoies Discipliens.”

For the third instalment, Klem-Marí Cajigas’ “Lent, Coffee, and Covid.

For the fourth installment, Kira Dault's “Knowledge and Power in Holy Week.

Australia’s Fires are Apocalyptic. They Also Reveal the Good News. - Article - The Bias

The apocalyptic fires in Australia reveal that our world is on fire and any response short of systemic change is fraught with callousness and complacency. The apocalyptic visions of Jesus show us how we might start the joyful and revolutionary work of building collective power and loving community.

Read more here:

Taking a Left Turn at Christmas: Consumption or Social Reproduction?

Here is a post I wrote for The Bias on re-thinking our approach to Christmas. I am proposing that we not just draw a critical eye to issues of consumerism, but that we struggle with the ways that many forms of celebrating Christmas deform our hearts and relationships, and that we begin to pursue alternatives that will cultivate justice and joy.