Advent Preaching and Creation Care 2020 - Event Webinar and Food and Faith Podcast

This was an event sponsored by the Creation Care Alliance in North Carolina and Green Chalice for Pastors in preparation for Advent 2020, held on October 29.

You can find a recording here. My Presentation on “Preaching Advent and Environmental Justice: Foregrounding the Revolutionary Mary” can be found at 48:30.

The four presenters reconvened to have a similar conversation on The Food and Faith Podcast, which you can find here.

The Lectionary presenters were:

Advent 1-Rev. Derrick Weston, HopeSprings and Food and Faith Podcast

Advent 2-Rev. Anna Woofenden, Protestant Chaplain at Amherst College Find Informational Slides Here.  Advent 2 Creation Presentation

Advent 3- Rev. Dr. Leah Schade, Assistant Professor of Preaching and Worship Lexington Theological Seminary Find Informational Slides Here.   Advent 3, Year B, preaching through a green lens

Advent 4– Rev. Dr. Wilson Dickinson, Director of D.Min Program at Lexington Theological Seminary, Find Informational Slides Here. Advent 4 and Environmental Justice (Starting around 48:30 in the link above).