Review of the book: The Green Good News: Christ’s Path to Sustainable and Joyful Life

A book review from Rev. Dr. John Henson of The Green Good News: Christ’s Path to Sustainable and Joyful Life:

“I recommend the book for several reasons. First, it is well written. Dickinson has a gift with words, expressing his ideas with prose that invites the reader to consider and engage with his views. Second, this book is great for Christians who are wanting to consider being green in our world and to work from a biblical vision of peace and justice. Dickinson gives them plenty to think about when it comes to how faith and action must work together when it comes to stewardship of this planet. Third, this book is great for church book studies and small groups, as it approaches the issues presented throughout the book from biblical texts and has discussion questions for each chapter.

While constantly being confronted by the bad news during this COVID-19 pandemic, reading The Green Good News has been an exercise in hope and a call to action for the future of our fragile planet.”