Review of the book: The Green Good News: Christ's Path to Sustainable and Joyful Life

A Review from Rev. Dr. Dwight Moody of The Green Good News: Christ’s Path to Sustainable and Joyful Life”

“From start to finish, this book challenged every angle of my understanding of the Gospel, the Bible, and the Kingdom of God. It is not a big book or long—less than 200 pages; but it is a dense book, with ideas and interpretations piled one upon another in ways that forced me to read slowly, carefully, patiently….Dickinson offers interpretations of texts, especially those related to the ministry of Jesus (parables, miracles, controversies, events) that consistently “flip the script” that has dominated my life as a teacher and preacher, albeit less now that earlier. It is this that made the book challenging. I had to keep taking that picture of Jesus off the wall and replacing, first, the mat, then the frame itself, so that the Jesus that now hangs in my house is very different than the Jesus I first came to know and love. It is the same Jesus, really, and this process of reframing has been going on for a long time, but so much of it came together in this wonderful and compelling book.”